Abner Clerveaux

About the Author

Political observer and radio commentator for the last three decades. Abner Clerveaux brings in this book a unique perspective by allowing the American people to glimpse at what a dictatorship looks like. His vast knowledge of third world politic helps him to combine two opposite political methods into one. A book full of suspense. Abner Clerveaux is married to Louise and Father of two kids.

A young, handsome, charismatic Southern governor is elected president of the United States in a landslide. He was so popular that world leaders were scrambling to attend his inauguration. Among the attendees were the pope, the queen of England, and other royalties.

He had, however, an Achilles’ heel–he was a philanderer. It will not take long for his misdeeds to leak out to the media and the opposition party. While he was being investigated, the noose was getting tighter around his neck.

Pressured by his wife to save his power, he decided to do the unthinkable.

He suspended the Constitution.

He dissolved Congress.

He fired five members of the Supreme Court.

He declared martial law.

How will the nation react to this wannabe dictator?

How long will he last?


The rise of tyranny is devastating, and the biggest thing this book does is remind the reader of the brilliance of the American Constitution and its system of government. “The law then must be above everyone, so no one, no matter your title, should be above the law.” An incredible fictional paradox that exposes the ideal set against the base nature of mankind. 

– The US Review of Books

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